House Rules

Drugs and Alcohol

Consumption or possession of alcohol or illicit drugs in any form is prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal.

Employment / School

Participants are required to maintain employment or be going to school. If at any time a participant is/becomes unemployed or not enrolled in school and is capable of working (not injured or sick), he/she must actively seek employment from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, and is not permitted at the house during this time. A participant’s employment is prohibited from interfering with their adherence to any of the other terms of this agreement.

Lying, Cheating, Stealing

Lying, cheating and stealing are strictly prohibited. If caught, will result in immediate dismissal.


Smoking inside the home is strictly prohibited. Smoking is allowed in designated areas. This is a smoke free residence.

Drug Testing

Participant are required to submit to a drug and alcohol test at any time as per request. A refusal and/or failure to provide an adequate sample will be treated the same as a positive test result. Any attempt to cheat/circumvent a test will result in a dismissal.

12-Step and House Meetings

Daily attendance at 12-Step meetings is strongly encouraged/recommended; the minimum weekly attendance requirement is (3) per week. Participants are required to maintain a working relationship with a sponsor. House Meetings are held weekly at date/time determined by House Manager and are mandatory for every participant.

Guest Relationships

Behavior considered to be a “conflict of interest” (i.e., sponsorship, employment, dating, etc.) between participants is strictly prohibited. Disruptive/discourteous behavior will not be tolerated and can/will result in dismissal. Participants are not permitted in any bedroom other than their own without permission from the participant(s) residing in that room; they must also be accompanied by the permitting participant.

Personal Belongings

Participants are responsible for their personal items/belongings at all times. Participants are also responsible for the security and safekeeping of their own personal items/belongings and are to pack and carry their items/belongings when they depart. If for any reason this does not occur, the participant may contact the House Manager regarding the retrieval/disposition of personal item/belongings. Personal items/belongings will not be stored for more than seventy-two (72) hours.

Outside Guests / Family Members

Guests are strictly prohibited from staying overnight. Guests are not permitted at the house beyond curfew and are only permitted in the common areas. Additionally, guests cannot be under the influence or in possession of illicit drugs and/or alcohol.


Animals are NOT allowed due to other participant allergy concerns, flea infestations, sanitary issues or the general safety of others. Service animals may be accepted ONLY with legitimate documentation, though if any of the concerns listed above prevail, a request for a service animal can be denied.


Knives, Guns, Tasers, Brass knuckles, etc. are not permitted at any time. If found, items will be removed and dismissal may be issued.

Health and Safety

Participants will take responsibility for their own health and respect the health and safety needs of all other participants and will take precautions (hand washing, extra cleaning of surfaces, limiting interaction with other participants, appointment with a physician if necessary) when aware of or experiencing exposure to bodily fluids and communicable diseases. House Manager may inspect in and around bedroom property or belongings at any time and within reason, for the safety and protection of all residents.


Haven Homes does not provide any medicated assisted treatments. If you have medications of any type, they will be locked for safekeeping and distributed by the House Manager. You will be responsible for dosage and timing of frequency of medication, and accept all liability associated.

Overnight and Weekend Passes

Overnight/weekend passes are to be submitted to the House Manager a minimum of 48-hours in advance. Authorization will be granted at the discretion of House Manager. No overnight passes authorized within the first 30 days of entering the home.

For a complete list of the house rules, please contact us.